English (M.A) - Semester III (Syllabus) | Burdwan University
👉 Paper 301: Modern English Literature till 1950
Unit I (Any two playwrights and two poets)
G. B. Shaw: Man and Superman/Pygmalion,
Sean O’Casey: Juno and the Paycock,
W. B.Yeats : Purgatory,
T.S. Eliot: Murder in the Cathedral/Family Reunion,
John Osborne: Look Back in Anger,
Samuel Beckett: Waiting for Godot
W. B. Yeats : ‘Easter 1916’, ‘Leda and the Swan, ‘Among the School Children’;
T. S. Eliot: ‘The Waste Land’/ ‘Four Quartets’;
Ezra Pound: ‘In a Station of the Metro’;
Wilfred Owen: ‘Spring Offensive’, ‘Arms and the Boy’;
Douglas: ‘Cairo Jig’, ‘How to Kill’;
Dylan Thomas: ‘And Death Shall Have No Dominion’;
Stephen Spender: ‘A Childhood’, ‘I Think Continually’
Unit II (Any three)
Virginia Woolf: Mrs Dalloway/ To the Lighthouse,
D. H. Lawrence: Rainbow/Women in Love,
E. M. Forster: A Passage to India/Howard’s End,
Joseph Conrad: Heart of Darkness/ Lord Jim,
James Joyce: The Dubliners/Ulysses
👉 Paper 302: Post-1950s English Literature
Unit I (Any two plays & two poets)
Harold Pinter: The Birthday Party / The Homecoming;
Arnold Wesker: The Merchant /Roots;
Tom Stoppard: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead / Travesties;
Caryl Churchill:Top Girls/ Cloud Nine;
Philip Larkin: ‘Ambulances’, ‘Church Going’;
Ted Hughes: ‘Crow’s Fall’, ‘Pike’;
Seamus Heaney: ‘Death of a Naturalist’, ‘Exposure’;
Thom Gunn: ‘A Map of the City’, ‘Street Song’
Unit II (Any three)
Kingsley Amis: Lucky Jim / The Old Devils,
John Fowles: The French Lieutenant’s Woman /A Maggot,
Martin Amis: Money / London Fields,
Doris Lessing: The Grass is Singing / The Golden Notebook,
Anthony Burgess: Time for a Tiger / One Hand Clapping;
Margaret Drabble: The Gates of Ivory / The Seven Sisters;
Iris Murdoch: Jackson’s Dilemma /The Unicorn
👉 Paper 303: Literary Theory and Contemporary Thoughts - I
Unit I
New Criticism, Russian Formalism, Dialogic Criticism, Psychoanalytic Criticism and Archetypal Criticism
Unit II
Structuralism, Deconstruction, Reader-Response Criticism, Marxist Criticism, Feminisms and Gender Studies
Essays/Chapters for Detailed Studies (Any four/three):
Althusser: “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses”,
Frye: Anatomy of Criticism (Selections),
Derrida: “Structure, Sign and Play”,
Bakhtin: Rabelais and His World (Selections),
Cixous: “Sortis”,
Barthes: “Death of the Author”
👉 Paper 304: Literary Theory and Contemporary Thoughts - II
Unit I
New Historicism, Postmodernism, Postcolonialism, Culture Studies and Narratology
Unit II
Nationalism, Subaltern Studies, Race and Caste Studies, Ethnicity, Diaspora Theories, Ecocriticism
Essays/Chapters for Detail Studies (Any four/three):
Fanon: Black Skin, White Mask (Selections),
Edward Said: Orientalism (Selections),
Greenblatt : “Invisible Bullets”,
Lyotard : The Postmodern Condition (Selections),
Ashis Nandy :“Nationalism : Genuine and Spurious”,
Partha Chatterjee: “More on Modes of Power and Peasantry”,
Stuart Hall: “New Ethnicities”,
Tololyan: “Diaspora Studies: Past, Present and Promise”,
Cheryl Glotfelty: “Literary Studies in an Age of Environmental Crisis”,
Rabindranath Tagore: “Nationalism in India”,
B. R. Ambedkar: “The Annihilation of Caste” (edited, introduced Arundhati Roy) ,
Gandhi: Hind Swaraj (translated, edited by Tridip Shurhud, Selections)
👉 305.i: Popular Culture
Unit I
Popular Culture: Politics of Representation; Consumerism and Culture; Technology: The Position of the Individual; Cultural Theories: Contemporary Thoughts; Subculture: Conformity and Resistance
Unit II - Section A (Any two)
Amatory fictions -
Eliza Haywood: Love in Excess,
Aphra Behn: Unfortunate Bride
Crime fictions -
Wilkie Collins: The Moonstone,
Arthur Conan Doyle: A Study in Scarlet, “A Scandal in Bohemia”,
Edgar Allan Poe: “The Murders in the Rue Morgue”, “The Purloined Letter”,
Agatha Christie: The Murder of Roger Ackroyd
Unit II - Section B (Any two)
Chick Lit -
Sophie Kinsella: Mini Shopaholic,
Rajashree: Trust Me
Graphic / Comic novels -
Joseph Heller: Catch 22,
David Foster Wallace: Infinite Jest,
Chetan Bhagat: Five Point Someone,
Gene Luen Yang: American Born Chinese,
Art Spiegelman: Maus
Popular songs -
Bob Dylan songs: “Blowing in the Wind”, “Forever Young”,
Beatles: “Love Me Do”, “Come Together”,
Mohiner Ghoraguli: “Ghare Pherar Gaan”, “Bheshe Ashe Kolkata”
Popular Hollywood films: Spider Man, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, The Lord of the Rings
👉 305. ii: Indian Literature in English Translation
Unit I (Any three)
Bankim Chandra Chattopadhaya: Anandamath;
Rabindranath Tagore: Gora; Fakir Mohan
Senapati: Six Acres and a Third;
Premchand: Godan;
U.R. Anantha Murthy: Samskara;
Ashapurna Devi: Pratham Pratishruti;
Mahashweta Devi: Mother of 1084;
Sunil Gangopadhyay: The First Light;
Saadat Hasan Manto: “Toba Tek Singh”, “The Return”, “Colder than Ice”;
Ismat Chughtai: The Quilt and Other Stories (Selections)
Unit II: (Two plays and two poets)
Vijay Tendulkar: Kanyadaan,
Girish Karnad: Hayavadhana (Self translation) ;
BadalSircar: Ebam Indrajit,
Manoranjan Das: The Wild Harvest
Mirza Ghalib: Complete Mirza Ghalib Shairi Collection in English (Selections);
K. Ayyappa Paniker: ‘The Itch’, “Passage to America”;
K. Satchidanandan: “The Mad”, “Stammer”;
Kaa Naa Subramanyam: ‘Situation,’ ‘Temple Danceuse’ (From Signatures: One Hundred Indian Poets, ed. K.Sachitanandan),
Nirendranath Chakraborty: The Naked King and Other Poems (Tr. Sujit Mukherjee, Selections), Shakti Chattopadhyay: Poems of a Rebel (Tr. Pinaki Poddar, Selections)
Sitakanta Mahapatra: “The Election”, “The Ruined Temple”;
Jagannath Prasad Das: ‘The Corpse’ and “My World
Read also:
👉 Eng.(M.A.), Semester - I (Syllabus) | Burdwan University
👉 Eng.(M.A.), Semester - II (Syllabus) | Burdwan University
👉 Eng.(M.A.), Semester - III (Syllabus) | Burdwan University
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