Question: How did Gulliver plan to pay back the emperor for his kindness?
When Gulliver encounters the Lilliputians, they are at war with the nearby island of Blefuscu over a ridiculous religious question involving soft-boiled eggs. He helps the Lilliputians by capturing an invasion fleet sent by the Blefuscians. He stole the Blefuscians’ armada, tied the ships together and pulls them up using a cable with hooks attached. He also captured their navy Wading out into the midst of the channel separating the islands. Finally, he gathers all of the Lilliputians and brings the ships back to Lilliput island. In this way Gulliver crushes the Blefuscians so he could be emperor of all the lands as the Emperor wanted Gulliver to do more to help him thereby planning to pay back the emperor for his kindness.
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