Process of washing Dirty Clothes
Model 1
Dirty clothes need to be washed and made ready for wear. At first, water is taken in a bucket. Next, detergent powder is mixed into the water. Then the dirty clothes are dipped into the mixture and kept for thirty minutes. After that, the clothes are scrubbed thoroughly one by one. Later, the clothes are washed in fresh water. Then, they are rinsed and dried well. Now, they are folded and pressed. Finally, the clothes are ready to be used again.
Model 2
How to Wash Dirty Clothes
Instead of buying new socks every time we run out of clean ones, we may want to learn how to wash dirty clothes. Knowing how to wash dirty clothes is an important life skill--particularly because otherwise dirty clothes might start to smell, or we could run up a real tab buying new socks each week.
Follow these steps and we'll be washing (and drying) our dirty clothes in no time.
Separate light and dark-colored clothes. When we wash dirty clothes, especially new clothes, some of the dye used on the fabric will run out of the clothes
Separate dirty clothes based on the fabrics they are made out of. Some fabrics, like denim or thick cloth (like a towel) need to be washed on a heavier wash cycle than dirty silky lingerie (which gets washed on a delicate setting). We should separate dirty clothes by the sort of wash cycle their fabrics are meant to be washed in.
Read the ‘care tag’ on dirty clothes. The cloth tags are not just sewn into clothes to make dirty neck itchy once they rub against dirty skin--they’re actually there to assist guide we through the washing process. When unsure about the way to wash an item, check the tag. The care tags tell us what fabric the item is made of, how it should be washed, and how it should be dried.
Some clothes got to be dry cleaned or washed by hand. The care tag will tell us if either of these things is necessary.
Use hot water for light colors, particularly light colors that are especially dirty. The heat will scald the stains right out of those white items.
Use cold water for dark colors, as cold water reduces the amount of dye that runs from these clothes (so dirty clothes won’t fade as fast when we use cold water.) Cotton items should also be washed in cold water as they are less likely to shrink in cold water.
Know what size load to select. Most washing machines have a knob that we must turn to select the right size load for the amount of clothing we have (generally small, medium or large.) If dirty clothes fill up one-third of the machine, we should select small. Two-thirds of the machine means we should select medium, and if we fill up the whole machine, we should select large.
Never squish clothes down so that we can fit more in. We should just run another load with dirty extra clothes or else we could risk jamming the machine or damaging it in some other way.
Know what washing cycle to select. As with temperature, washing machines also have different types of cycles, as different sorts of clothing require a special level of washing.
Regular/Normal cycle: Select this when washing white clothes. It will leave dirty white items crisp and fresh.
Permanent press: Use this for dirty colored clothes. This cycle washes with warm water and ends with cooler water, which keeps dirty colors looking bright.
Detergent: The amount of detergent we put in dirty washing machine is determined by how large dirty load is. Generally, detergent lids act as cups that have marked off amounts. Generally, ⅓ of the cup should be filled with detergent for a small load, ⅔ for a medium load, and a full cup for an oversized load. However, read dirty specific detergent bottle for instructions on how to use that detergent--some detergents are more concentrated than others, meaning we don’t need to use as much.
Fabric softener: Fabric softener can be added during the rinse cycle. Some machines have a dispenser where we can pour the softener once we begin the wash cycle, and it will add it to the rinse cycle at the proper time.
Move dirty clothes to the dryer and select the right cycle. Keep in mind that there are some clothes that ought to be air dried. Check the tag--if it says to not dry it, hang these things somewhere they will dry. Like the washing machine, the dryer also has settings that we have to wade through to dry dirty clothes. Add a dryer sheet and close the door.
Regular/heavy: White clothes are best dried on the regular/heavy setting. White clothes are generally pre-shrunk and can handle the more intense and higher heat drying system (unlike colors which fade under high heat.)
Permanent press: this is better for regular colored clothes. The medium heat and pressure makes sure that dirty clothes don’t fade.
Any clothes that we washed on the delicate setting should be dried on the delicate setting. This setting uses close to room temperature air and slow cycle so that no damage comes to clothes.
See Also 😀
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