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Madhyamik 2022, English Model Question Paper (Set – 01)

Model Question Paper, Madhyamik 2022

 Subject - English (Set – 01)

Madhyamik 2022, English Model Question Paper (Set – 01)

Reading comprehension [SEEN]

1. Read the passage and answer the following questions

The kite we had was big and covered in lovely red paper. We pasted gold tinsel stars around it to repair the torn area and wrote our full names on it - Claude Litte and Philippa Litte, Big Half Moon Lighthouse.

One day there was a great windy weather for kite flying. I wasn't sure how it happened but when I was bringing the kite from home, I stumbled and fell on the rocks. The elbow of my hand became a big hole in the kite. We had to hurry to fix the kite before the wind stopped blowing. We ran to the lighthouse to look for some papers. Although we knew there was no more red paper. The first thing we came across was an old letter from a bookcase in the living room. We covered the kite with the letter, then placed a sheet on each side of the letter and dried it on the fire. We started flying again and the kite started flying like a bird. It grew to be a pleasant breeze.

A. Tick off the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:

(i) The wind was ideal for – (a) paragliding (b) kite flying (c) balloon flying (d) aeroplane flying

(ii) Big Half Moon is the name of a/an - (a) mountain (b) lighthouse (c) island (d) planet

B. Complete the sentences with information from the above extract

(i) A big hole was created in the kite because _____________________

(ii) The narrator and Claude had to hurry to fix the kite because __________________

C. Answer the following question:

(i) What made a big hole in the kite?

2. Read the following extract and answer the following questions:

I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky

And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by;

And the wheel’s kick and the wind’s song and white sail’s shaking

And a grey mist on the sea’s face and a grey dawn breaking

A. Choose the correct alternative:

(i) “I must go down” – denotes the poet’s- (a) determination (b) depression (c) exhaustion (d) tension

(ii) The poet wants to start his journey at- (a) dusk (b) night (c) dawn (d) morning

B. Answer the following question in complete sentences:

(i) Why does the poet want a star?

(ii) Why does the mist appear grey?

Reading comprehension [UNSEEN]

3. Read the passage and answer as directed

I must have been eight or nine when my father gave me a small diary and I began my first tentative forays as a writer or wordsmith as I have sometimes described my calling.

Many of those early diary entries were lists - books read, gramophone records, collected film seen and enjoyed - but even this indulgence was a sort of discipline and stood me in good stead in later years. It made me neat and meticulous and helped me from the habit of keeping notes and filling away facts: not perhaps essential attributes for the writer but useful ones. Young writers with natural talents are often handicapped by untimely working habits. A friend of mine wrote quite brilliantly but always contrived to loss his manuscripts, he now breeds Angora rabbits. While at boarding school in the hill station of Simla, the then summer capital of British India I discovered Dickens in the school library and captivated by “David Copperfield” decided I was going to be a writer like David who was really Charles Dickens. At the age of thirteen I did in fact, write a short novel, and account of school life-eulogise of my friend mostly.

A. Choose the correct alternatives:

(i) The narrator got the diary from his- (a) mother (b) sister (c) father (d) uncle

(ii) The boarding school was in- (a) similar (b) third string (c) Gangtok (d) Sikkim

(iii) ‘David Copperfield’ is written by- (a) Walter Scott (b) William Terry (c) Charles Dickens (d) Bernard Shaw

(iv) The text is taken from a/ an- (a) story (b) biography (c) autobiography (d) report

B. Complete the sentences with information from the passage: (B 71)

(i) The narrator was eight or nine years old when __________

(ii) At the age of thirteen he__________

(iii) He was at the boarding school in Simla when he ___________

(iv) The early diary entries were __________

C. Answer the following question:

(i)What was the narrator’s first novel about?

Grammar and vocabulary

4. Change the mode of narration.

(i)She said to me, “Have you left for school?”

(ii) Jim said to me, “Do not run in the sun.”

(iii) “What’s your problem, my son?” said Father.

 5. Do as directed:

(i)We call the tiger our national animal. (Change the voice)

(ii) The man died of dengue. The news shocked me much. (Join the sentence)

6. Use phrasal verbs.

(i)Some snobbish people despise manual workers.

(ii) Just scrutinise my notes before you go.

(iii) He always maintains his reputation as a good doctor.

(List: keep up, look up to, look down upon, look through)

7. Find words from the passage in question no. 3 which mean the following.

(i) Tidy

(ii) Qualities

Writing skill

8. Write a report on the celebration of Konyashree Divas in your school on the basis of the points given below:

(Points: date and time - chief guest and other guests – opening song- speeches of different persons – short cultural programme- closing song.)


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