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Vijay Tendulkar’s play, Kanyadaan: Summary

Vijay Tendulkar’s play, Kanyadaan: Summary

Vijay Tendulkar’s play, Kanyadaan: Summary

Vijay Tendulkar was a renowned Indian playwright, screenwriter, and novelist. One of his most notable works is the play "Kanyadaan," which was first performed in 1983.

"Kanyadaan" is a renowned Marathi play written by Vijay Tendulkar, one of the most prominent playwrights in Indian theatre. It was first performed in 1983 and has since gained significant acclaim for its exploration of complex social issues.

"Kanyadaan" explores the complex themes of gender, caste, and societal norms prevalent in Indian society. The play revolves around a progressive middle-class family living in Mumbai. The story primarily focuses on the struggles faced by the female protagonist, Jyoti, who is married off to a traditional and conservative man, Suryakant.

However, the play revolves around the story of a young woman named Jyoti and her family. Jyoti, the protagonist, is a strong-willed and educated woman who aspires to pursue a career and make a mark in the world. However, she is married off to a much older man named Suryakant, who is deeply rooted in traditional values and patriarchal norms.

The central conflict in "Kanyadaan" arises from the clash between Jyoti's aspirations and her husband's expectations. Suryakant, along with his family, wants Jyoti to conform to traditional gender roles and be a dutiful wife and daughter-in-law. Jyoti, on the other hand, desires freedom, independence, and the opportunity to contribute to society.

As the play progresses, Tendulkar delves into the complexities of the characters and their relationships, exploring themes such as gender roles, societal pressure, and the struggle for self-identity. Jyoti's desire for autonomy clashes with the deeply ingrained patriarchal values prevalent in her family, resulting in a tense and emotional narrative.

"Kanyadaan" also touches upon other social issues such as dowry, caste discrimination, and the rigid societal expectations placed on women. Tendulkar skillfully weaves these themes into the fabric of the play, providing a thought-provoking commentary on Indian society at the time.

In fact, through the characters and their interactions, Tendulkar highlights the deep-rooted patriarchy, misogyny, and caste discrimination that prevail in society. He brings attention to the issues of dowry, the subjugation of women, and the pressures faced by individuals who try to challenge traditional norms.

Vijay Tendulkar's "Kanyadaan" is widely regarded as a classic of Indian theatre. Different facts like its powerful exploration of social issues, compelling characters, and also the nuanced storytelling have contributed to its enduring popularity. The play continues to be performed and studied, highlighting the relevance of its themes even in contemporary times.


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