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Stozhary, a folk holiday celebrated on July 16 | Common Omens

Stozhary, a folk holiday celebrated on July 16 | Common Omens

Stozhary, a folk holiday celebrated on July 16 | Common Omens

Stozhary, also known as Moky and Mark, is a folk holiday celebrated on July 16 in Eastern Europe such as Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus. It is a day to honor the sun and to pray for a good harvest. There are many folk omens associated with Stozhary, some of which are still observed today.

    On Stozhary, people would gather in fields to dance, sing, and feast. They would also make offerings to the gods, such as grain, flowers, and water. In some cultures, it was believed that the dead would come back to visit their loved ones on Stozhary.

    👉  Origin of the name, Stozhary

    The name Stozhary comes from the Ukrainian word "stozhar", which means "sheaf of wheat". The holiday is believed to have originated in pagan times, when it was a celebration of the sun god. In the Christian tradition, Stozhary is associated with the saints Moky and Mark, who were martyred in the 3rd century.

    👉  Traditions associated with Stozhary

    There are many different traditions associated with Stozhary, but some of the most common include:

    Wearing wreaths of flowers: Wreaths of flowers are often worn on Stozhary, as they are seen as a symbol of fertility and abundance. The flowers used in the wreaths vary depending on the region, but some common flowers include cornflowers, sunflowers, and daisies.

    Making offerings to the sun: Offerings to the sun are often made on Stozhary, as a way of thanking the sun for its warmth and light. These offerings can be anything from simple prayers to more elaborate offerings, such as placing food or flowers in the sun.

    Dancing and singing: Dancing and singing are also common traditions on Stozhary. These activities are seen as a way of celebrating the abundance of crops and the coming of the summer solstice.

    Stozhary is a day to enjoy the fruits of summer and to celebrate the sun. It is a time for families and friends to come together and to give thanks for all that they have.

    👉  Common omens on the day of Stozhary

    One of the most common omens is that if it rains on Stozhary, it will be a wet summer. If it is sunny, it will be a dry summer. Another common omen is that if the wind blows from the south, it will be a good year for fruit. If the wind blows from the north, it will be a good year for grain.

    There are also omens associated with specific activities on Stozhary. For example, if you bake bread on Stozhary, it will be lucky. If you wash your hair, it will grow long and healthy. And if you go swimming, you will be protected from illness.

    Besides, there are some other folk omens associated with Stozhary:

    • If you see a rainbow on Stozhary, it is a sign of good luck.
    • If you see a snake on Stozhary, it is a sign of bad luck.
    • If you hear thunder on Stozhary, it is a sign of a good harvest.
    • If you see a shooting star on Stozhary, make a wish and it will come true.

    👉  Why Stozhary is called ‘Moky and Mark’

    The holiday is called Moky and Mark because it is believed that the saints Mokiy and Mark protect crops from pests. There are many churches dedicated to Mokiy and Mark in Eastern Europe, and on Stozhary, people would often visit these churches to pray for a good harvest.

    Today, Stozhary is still celebrated in some parts of Eastern Europe, although it is not as widely observed as it once was. However, the holiday still retains some of its traditional elements, such as the gathering of people in fields to make offerings to the gods, such as grain, flowers, and water. It is a time for people to come together and celebrate the beauty of nature.


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