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Building a Necessary Fund for Ambulance Services: Notice Writing

Building a Necessary Fund for Ambulance Services: Notice Writing

Building a Necessary Fund for Ambulance Services: Notice Writing

As a school captain of your school sport's unit, write a NOTICE for the students along with all the teaching and non-teaching staffs of your school about building a necessary fund for AMBULANCE to help the poor or helpless people of the surrounding area. (Within 150 Words)

Memari V.M. Institution (Unit – 2)

Hatpukur, Memari, East Burdwan - 713146

02 November, 2023


To: All Students and Staff Members

Subject: Fundraising for an Ambulance to Aid the Needy

Dear Students and Respected Staff,

I hope this message finds you in the best of health and spirits. As the School Sports Unit Captain, I am thrilled to share a noble initiative with all of you. We aim to establish a necessary fund for procuring an ambulance to extend a helping hand to the less fortunate in our surrounding areas.

Emergency medical services play a vital role in saving lives, and this initiative underscores our commitment to the welfare of our community. To achieve this goal, we seek your generous contributions and support. Let's come together as a school community, pooling our resources to make a significant impact.

From the next week, we will kick off our fundraising campaign. Various events and activities will be organized to raise the required funds. Your contributions, both big and small, will make a substantial difference. Let's show that our school cares deeply about those in need.

Thank you in advance for your enthusiasm and generosity. Let's make this initiative a resounding success and a testament to the compassion of our school.

For any queries or to get involved in the fundraising efforts, please reach out to our Whatsapp No. 9876543210.

Together, we can make a positive impact on the lives of the less fortunate.

Warm regards,

Supriyo Biswas

School Sports Unit Captain

Building a Necessary Fund for Ambulance Services: Notice Writing

Q. As a school captain of your school sport's unit, write a NOTICE for the students along with all the teaching and non-teaching staffs of your school about building a necessary fund for AMBULANCE to help the poor or helpless people of the surrounding area. (Within 400 Words)

Memari V.M. Institution (Unit – 2)

Hatpukur, Memari, East Burdwan - 713146

02 November, 2023


To: All Students, Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff

Subject: Building a Necessary Fund for Ambulance Services

Dear Students, Teachers, and Staff,

I hope this notice finds you all in good health and high spirits. I am writing to you today as the School Captain of the Sports Unit, with an important and noble initiative that we are about to embark upon as a school community.

In our efforts to contribute to the welfare of our surrounding community and make a meaningful impact, we have decided to raise funds to support the acquisition of an ambulance. The goal of this initiative is to provide immediate medical assistance to the poor and helpless people in our surrounding area who may not have access to timely medical services.

We believe that having an ambulance on hand can be a lifesaver in emergencies, particularly in situations where every second counts. Whether it's aiding accident victims, attending to medical emergencies, or supporting those in needs, this initiative will reflect the true spirit of compassion and community service that our school stands for.

To kick start this project, we are launching a fundraising campaign to collect the necessary funds for the purchase and maintenance of the ambulance. We are confident that with the collective efforts of our students and the support of our dedicated teaching and non-teaching staff, we can make a significant difference in the lives of those in need.

We encourage all students to participate in this noble cause by contributing any amount they can afford. We also invite the teaching and non-teaching staff to join us in this endeavor by donating generously. The success of this project relies on our collective effort and commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of those less fortunate.

To make your contribution, please visit the designated collection point located at our School Sports Unit or contact Mr. Bakshi at 9876543210. We will also be organizing various fundraising activities and events in the coming weeks, and your participation and support in these activities would be greatly appreciated.

Let us come together as a united school community and demonstrate our commitment to making a difference in the lives of our neighbors. We believe that by working together, we can achieve our goal of acquiring an ambulance for the greater good.

Thank you for your attention and support for this important initiative. Let's show the world what we, as a school, can achieve when we come together for a common cause.


Supriyo Biswas

School Captain, Sports Unit

Memari V.M. Institution (Unit – 2)


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