The Unknown Citizen: The passivity and callous indifference of modern life
Q. How does W. H. Auden express the passivity and callous indifference of modern life in “The Unknown Citizen”?
Answer: "The Unknown Citizen" by W. H. Auden is a satirical poem that explores the dehumanizing effects of modern bureaucracy and societal norms on individuality and human dignity. Auden employs various literary devices and techniques to convey the passivity and callous indifference of modern life throughout the poem.
Firstly, Auden establishes the tone of the poem through the use of ironic language and euphemisms. The title itself, "The Unknown Citizen," suggests anonymity and insignificance, reducing the individual to a mere statistic.
The poem's speaker presents the citizen as a model of conformity and compliance, praising his conformity to societal norms and bureaucratic expectations. Phrases like "he was found by the Bureau of Statistics" and "approved by the Greater Community" emphasize the impersonal nature of the society in which the citizen exists. The use of bureaucratic language dehumanizes the individual, reducing him to a set of data points and checkboxes.
Moreover, Auden employs irony to highlight the absurdity of measuring human worth through superficial criteria. The citizen is praised for his "normal" behavior and adherence to societal expectations, such as owning a car and paying his insurance premiums promptly.
However, these mundane accomplishments are presented as achievements worthy of commendation, highlighting the banality of modern life. The speaker's ironic tone underscores the absurdity of valuing conformity over individuality and reducing human existence to a checklist of societal norms.
Auden also utilizes repetition to reinforce the passivity and conformity of the citizen. The refrain "He was" is repeated throughout the poem, emphasizing the citizen's status as a passive object acted upon by external forces. The repetition serves to reinforce the idea that the citizen's identity is defined not by his individuality or agency but by his ability to conform to societal expectations.
Furthermore, Auden employs imagery to evoke a sense of alienation and isolation within the modern world. The citizen is depicted as a faceless figure lost in the vast machinery of society, "under the proper offices" and "under the official complaint." This imagery conveys the idea that the citizen is trapped within a system that values conformity over individuality, where human connection and empathy are replaced by bureaucratic protocols and procedures.
Additionally, Auden employs allusions to historical and cultural references to contextualize the poem's critique of modern society. References to "Producers Research" and "Ethical Dialectics" evoke the language of scientific management and utilitarian philosophy, suggesting a society that values efficiency and productivity above all else. By alluding to these ideologies, Auden highlights the dehumanizing effects of treating individuals as mere cogs in the machinery of progress.
W. H. Auden, thus, expresses the passivity and callous indifference of modern life in "The Unknown Citizen" through the use of ironic language, euphemisms, repetition, imagery, and allusions. Through these literary devices and techniques, Auden critiques the dehumanizing effects of bureaucracy and societal norms on individuality and human dignity, presenting a stark portrayal of a society that values conformity over individuality.
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