Go and Catch a Falling Star | important Figures of Speech
John Donne's poem "Go and Catch a Falling Star" uses many figures of speech. The uses of various figures of speech make this poem more effective and deep. This poem uses many ornaments like Hyperbole, Metaphor, Alliteration, Imagery, Personification, Paradox, Symbolism, and Enjambment. The poet uses these ornaments to show that it is as impossible to find a true and loyal woman as to catch a falling star or listen to the songs of mermaid. So let’s come and understand these ornaments in detail:
1. Hyperbole: To say something exaggerated.
"Go and Catch a Falling Star"
It is impossible to catch a broken star, but the poet presents it as an impossible task to emphasize his idea.
2. Metaphor (metaphor): Compare an object or idea without using "like" or "as" without any other object.
"Ride ten Thousand Days and Nights"
Here "Ten Thousand Days and Nights" is a very long journey of life.
3. Alliteration (alliteration): To generate rhythm in the poem by the same sound or repetition of the letter.
"Go and Catch a Falling Star"
It causes recurrence of 'C' and 'F' sounds.
4. Imagery (visuality): Use of words that emerge any scene in the reader's mind.
"Teach me to hear mermaids singing"
Here the songs of Mermaids are described, which produces a imaginative view.
5. Personification: Giving human qualities to lifeless or abstract things.
"Tell me there all past years are"
Here "Past Years" is presented as an object, which may have a hideout.
6. Paradox (contradictory statement): Such a statement that seems inconsistent but keeps deep economy.
"If Thou Find's one, let me know; such a pilgrimage were sweet."
The poet says that if a loyal woman is found, then tell her too, but he also believes that it is impossible to happen.
7. Symbolism (symbolism): When a word or phrase reflects a deep meaning.
"Falling Star" (falling star)
It has been used as a symbol of finding luck, hope, or something impossible.
8. Enjambment (continue in the next line of sentence): When the idea began in a row, the idea goes on in the next line without a punctuation.
"Yet she will be false, ere I come, to two or three."
Here the idea has to go to the next line to fully understand.
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